Monthly Archives: May 2015

Sweet Sunday !!

I know most of you are probably done with Mother’s Day by now but this is the first opportunity I got to write here. Hope all of you had a wonderful day. I had a lovely day and it’s not just today but everyday I thank God for blessing me with this lovely child. 

I woke up in the morning hearing Daughter’s hushed tone, ” wake up daddy, it’s Mother’s Day. We need to make a special breakfast for mommy”. I pretended to sleep while the sleepyhead hubby got up to help Daughter in the kitchen. Soon I was served coffee with biscotti which was followed by an egg salad sandwich. Mmmm it was heavenly, not only the taste but the feeling of being loved. She gave me two beautiful cards and a fridge magnet, all handmade some made at school and at home. The hubby also gave me a dozen red roses 🙂 .
Even though Daughter’s strict instructions were I wouldn’t do anything today but unfortunately I couldn’t listen since we have family visiting us on Tuesday and they will be here with us for three weeks. As usual we are so excited !! This time it’s my maternal uncle, aunt and my cousin. My cousin is doing her Phd here in the US and my uncle/aunt are visiting her. It’s so exciting when some of your favorite people come for a visit, isn’t it !! And once again this is going to be a big surprise for Daughter who has no clue about the whole visit.
Anyway remaining day was uneventful of sorts with the hubby and I cleaning and then me doing some cooking. In the evening, we relaxed a bit and did some yard work. Now as I write, we are watching a movie. End of a nice day. 

When your child is sick….

You know your little one is sick when….

– The house is unusually quiet….
– There are no toys lying out of place…..
– No cheerful banter can be heard……
– No Kidz Bop playing non-stop on Pandora….
– Your offer to paint the new outdoor picnic table is declined with a sad smile…..
– No begging for ice cream on hearing the familiar ice cream truck music…..
Yes the Daughter has been down with a bad case of stomach flu since Friday night and that’s exactly how quiet the house has been. Today when I saw the neighborhood kids walking to the bus stop, how I wished Daughter was amongst them too skipping merrily to school after a regular relaxing weekend. No !! Not because having a sick child at home would interfere with my routine but merely because I’ve had enough of  watching an otherwise energetic child laying quietly in bed or sitting and reading a book. While I complain she talks nineteen to a dozen a minute, the quietness disturbs me like nothing else.

I hope my baby girl gets better and back to her normal chirpy self soon. It physically and emotionally drains every ounce of energy from me to see her suffer even with the slightest pain.  The joys and heartbreaks of parenthood is what I guess it is.